Sunday, November 14, 2010

A work in progress

We purchased our house in September. The home was owned by an older couple that lived here for years. They had both passed away so their children were actually the ones selling. The couple took good care of their home but didn't spend a lot of money or time updating the home. So in comes us... :) Here are just a few pictures of before and after.


My dad came down and changed out our light fixtures and ceiling fans for new ones! Mama helped me paint the dental molding. It was a nightmare. This room took the longest of all of them!

Sorry, some of these are thumbnails....

 Guest room


My WONDERFUL mom-in-law came down and sanded, stained, and varnished our floors... she is pretty amazing, to say the least! 

I love this picture! When your neighbor tells you that he has a key to your house, what's the first thing you do when you move in? Change the locks!

So thanks to our wonderful family and awesome friends that have helped us make this our home!

Where to begin

Today marks one year of marital bliss for me and my wonderful husband! We decided to stay home this weekend and spend some much needed quality time together working on our new home. Yesterday we painted counter tops, changed hinges on our kitchen cabinet doors, spackled the doors, put our dog into a hydrogen peroxide induced vomiting session because he ate some of the spackling, painted the cabinet doors, grilled steaks, watched a movie, and ate our year old wedding cake topper! It was a great day (minus the puppy incident).

A lot has changed in our lives this past year.

Our sweet puppy Cooper joined our family in April,

J graduated in May, 

I began my masters this summer, J begin his masters this fall,

we bought our first home, 

and we purchased our first vehicle together. 
This has been an awesome year! If the 1st is supposed to be the worst, sign me up for 100 more!!