Saturday, November 26, 2011

1 Month Old! (A few weeks late on the post)

Our precious baby girl is 1 month old! Its hard to believe that its already been a month! Time seems to be flying by these days.

A few things about Mari Michael:
-  Mari has graduated from Newborn diapers to Stage 1. This was a sad moment for me...
-  She eats 4 oz. every 3 hours.
-  She will go 4 to 5 hours during the night without waking up to eat.
-  She now weighs 10lbs. 4 oz. and is 21 1/4 inches long.
-  She can now see us a lot better and has now started SMILING! She smiled at me for the first time on her one month birthday! She is definitely a morning person. :)
-  Napping is something that is few in far between but as long as she is sleeping at night, I'm happy.

Here are a few pictures from this month.


My absolute favorite!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's been a while...

I'm obviously not into this whole blogging thing seeing as my last post was almost a year ago. A lot has happened since then! Jeremy and I are expecting our first baby. Marion Michael is due to arrive on Oct. 15th, which makes me 32 weeks pregnant! I have had a wonderful pregnancy thus far and pray that it continues for the next 8 weeks. I completed my second summer of graduate school this summer which was a doozie. I'm glad that it is behind me. Jeremy will graduate in December with his Masters! Yes, that makes me a happy and very proud wife.

I can't believe that Mari Michael will be here in just a few short weeks! I can't wait to hold this sweet little girl in my arms that I have felt moving around inside me all these months. We are so blessed. :)